Dalam upaya untuk
melestarikan kekayaan budaya leluhur warisan tradisional, maka produk kerajinan
harus diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat
luas, tidak hanya di dalam negeri tetapi juga luar negeri. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengikuti berbagai
pameran kerajinan tangan.
Untuk promosi produk
kerajinan tangan ke luar negeri perlu diperhatikan hal-hal sbb:
1. Pelajari kesukaan atau hal-hal yang paling diminati di
negara tersebut termasuk jenis pameran yang diikuti. Misalnya Eropa, masyarakatnya menyukai
barang-barang antik atau kerajinan.
2. Buat jaringan. Bila sesekali Anda ke luar negeri,
cobalah berkenalan dengan para pedagang atau orang Indonesia yang tingal di
sana. Dengan begitu, secara tidak langsung mereka akan membantu mempromosikan
bisnis Anda ke teman-teman dekat.
3. Hubungi KBRI untuk mengetahui jadwal pameran
produk-produk Indonesia.
4. Perhatikan kurs mata uang untuk menentukan harga
barang dagangan Anda.
Di kwartal pertama tahun
2013, bersama teman-teman berkolaborasi mengikuti beberapa pameran di luar
negeri antara lain :
1. Pameran Ambiente yang diselenggarakan di Frankfurt am Main, Jerman pada 15-19 Februari
2013, adalah salah satu pameran terbesar berskala internasional yang
menghadirkan inovasi berbagai produk antara lain perlengkapan rumah tangga,
mebel hingga macam-macam suvenir serta kerajinan tangan. Indonesia adalah salah
satu negara dari 87 negara yang berpartisipasi dalam pameran dagang ini, yang
pengunjungnya 75% berasal dari luar Jerman.
2. Pameran Mustermesse Basel (MUBA) 2013 yang digelar di
Exhibition Centre Basel (Messe Bassel), Basel, Swiss, 22 Februari-3 Maret
2013. Indonesia sebagai Guest Country, mengusung
konsep " Remarkable Indonesia”, memperkenalkan produk dalam negeri,
seperti furnitur dan dekorasi rumah, kerajinan tangan, fesyen dan gaya hidup,
serta kuliner Nusantara. Disamping itu
juga digelar pertunjukan budaya, workshop membatik, menganyam bambu dan
tarian tradisional.
3. Pasar Malam Indonesia 2013 yang diselenggarakan pada
20-24 maret 2013 di Malieveld, Den Haag.
Pasar malam tahunan ini digelar
oleh Kedutaan Besar Indonesia di Belanda, bekerja sama dengan banyak Kementerian,
maskapai penerbangan dan Dinas Pariwisata Daerah. Mereka memperkenalkan kebudayaan Indonesia
kepada masyarakat Belanda mulai dari ragam budaya, tempat wisata, aneka
kerajinan tangan serta beragam kuliner lezat khas Tanah Air dengan konsep Pasar
Malam yang unik. Event ini selain sebagai atraksi wisata unik bagi para masyarakat
Belanda, sekaligus sebagai obat rindu bagi para warga Indonesia yang sedang
tinggal atau liburan di sana.
MUBA 2013 @ Basel, Switzerland |
Promoting Handicraft
Products Abroad
In an effort to preserve traditional cultural wealth of ancestral heritage, handicraft products must be introduced to the general public, not only domestically but also internationally. One of the way is by attending various craft fairs.
Things to consider for the promotion of handicraft products abroad:
In an effort to preserve traditional cultural wealth of ancestral heritage, handicraft products must be introduced to the general public, not only domestically but also internationally. One of the way is by attending various craft fairs.
Things to consider for the promotion of handicraft products abroad:
1. Learn the things that are most in demand in countries
including the type of exhibition that we are
following. European for example, they like antiques or crafts.
2. Create a network. If you go abroad, try to get acquainted with the merchant or Indonesian people
living there. That way, they will indirectly help to promote your business to their acquaintances.
Contact the
Embassy to know the schedule of exhibitions of Indonesian products.
Note the exchange
rate to determine the price of your products.
In the first quarter of
2013, we are collaborating with friends participating in several exhibitions abroad, such as:
exhibition held in Frankfurt am Main, Germany on February 15 to 19, 2013, is
one of the biggest international exhibition that presents innovative range of
products such as household appliances, furniture, up to all kinds of souvenirs and handicrafts. Indonesia is one of the
countries of the 87 countries participating in this exhibition, which is 75% of its visitors came from outside
Mustermesse Basel
exhibition (MUBA) 2013 that was held at the Exhibition Center Basel (Messe
Bassel), Basel, Switzerland, 22 February until 3
March 2013. Indonesia as guest country, brought
the concept of "Remarkable Indonesia", introducing domestic products,
such as furniture and home decor, crafts, fashion and lifestyle, as well as authentic Indonesian culinary. Besides, it also held cultural performances, batik workshops, weaving bamboo and traditional dances .
Indonesian Fair 2013, which was held on 20-24 March 2013 in the
Malieveld, Den Haag. This annual fair is held by the
Indonesian Embassy in the Netherlands, in cooperation with many ministries,
airlines and the Department of Tourism Region. The purpose is to introduce Indonesian culture to the Dutch society
ranging from cultural diversity, tourist attractions, various crafts and
variety of delicious culinary specialties with unique concept. Beside as a unique tourist attraction for the Dutch, it is also as “the feeling
of home” for Indonesian people who currently live or vacation there.
agree... (y)
BalasHapusnice post...
Nice mbaa :)